Meet Our Members
“GEM is made up of representatives from many different faith groups in the Gorge. GEM members participate in education and action around various issues of justice and community building.” - Bethel Congregational
Spirit of Grace is a dual-denominational congregation, and belongs to both the United Methodist Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Mission Statement: To be a vital, forward-thinking congregation that lives into God’s call to love the world by embodying service, change, and mutual-relationships with one another and our community.
Vision Statement: To be agents of change, called to serve as God’s Living Bridge, connecting community with God’s grace so that all may know God’s unending mercy, abundant love, and radical welcome to all people, just as they are.
We are an “Open and Affirming” congregation.
“St. Mark's Episcopal Church is a local church in Hood River, OR.
Expect music styles such as contemporary and traditional hymns.
You might also find programs like children's ministry, nursery, young adults, addiction/recovery, and community service.”
To create a welcoming community that supports each one’s spiritual journey as it inspires us to work for peace, justice, and the loving care of all creation.We are an Open and Affirming Congregation.
We appreciate the beauty, richness and depth that diversity brings to our community, and we honor the spiritual journeys of all.
Our Christian faith is 2000 years old, our thinking is not.
We are grounded in the Christian faith, while honoring and growing from many faith traditions.
We are committed to and remain open to hearing God’s ancient story anew and afresh…believing that God is still speaking.
We value the covenant nature of community: caring for one another and living responsibly, knowing that actions make a difference.
No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
We believe compassion is the foundation for ministry with each other and our work for peace,
justice and care of God’s creation.
We are attentive to God’s creative movement in the world. We advocate justice for all.
We express spirituality through quiet contemplation and vibrant worship.
A faith community that seeks to connect heads, hearts and hands.Therefore we declare ourselves an Immigrant Welcoming Congregation and commit to the following:
Deepen the connection between immigrant and nonimmigrant members and families within Bethel Church and throughout the broader community.
Educate ourselves and our community about immigration-related issues. We are indebted to the work of Gorge Ecumenical Ministries and the Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice for helping us on this front.
Advocate for a fair and humane immigration system.
Accompany and support immigrants and their families, at their request, when facing immigration-related hearings and meetings or seeking change in their immigration status.
We are grateful to celebrate the end of the ICE Contract at Northern Oregon Regional Correction Facility (NorCor) in August 2020. Hallelujah!
Mid-Columbia Unitarian Universalists
We come together as a welcoming religious community that nurtures our spiritual growth, broadens our minds, and supports us in service to the wider world.
Our beliefs are diverse and inclusive. We have no shared creed. . This shared covenant is expressed in Seven Principles. These form a guide for our common life in religious community:
The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
We are an “Open and Affirming” congregation.
We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord's Table as God has welcomed us.
We are part of a wider, National body of Christ, called the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
The Christian Church in Oregon and Southwest Idaho is a ministry shared by 43 congregations of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) located in Oregon and Southwest Idaho, speaking three languages. Congregations are as new as 1 year old and as long standing as 178 years.
This ministry offers services to congregations such as:
Congregational Planning
Placement and Care of Pastors and their Families
Training of Leaders
Commissioning individuals for ordination
Supporting New and Emerging Congregations
Creating events for spiritual renewal
Connecting with Global Mission Partnerships
Riverside Community Church
We are a Christian community of faith that is spiritually alive, intellectually curious and open to fresh movements of the Spirit.
We love our neighbors and seek justice for the whole of creation. All who seek to know the living God are welcome in this place!
We are an “Open and Affirming” congregation, affirming the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ folx in the church’s life and ministry.
We are an “Immigrant Welcoming” congregation, called by our faith to stand together with our undocumented and documented immigrants brothers, sisters and their families.
"Love everybody; serve everybody." -'Abdu'l-Bahá
What is the Bahá'í Faith?
The Bahá'í Faith is a system of belief and action based on the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh; that all people are essentially the members of one human family, that we must all learn to live in peace and harmony, and that this represents the next stage of God's purpose for humanity - a purpose that is progressively revealed to us, over ages and centuries, as our capacity allows.
In many volumes of writings, collected during a lifetime of imprisonment and exile, Bahá'u'lláh gave us insights and direction for dealing with the questions and problems of the modern world. Who is God? How can we understand God? Why are the religions different? What is the purpose of life? Is there hope for this world? How can we reconcile our differences and bring about peace? The answers to questions like these, from the writings of Bahá'u'lláh, inform our efforts to better ourselves as individuals and to contribute to our communities.
What do Bahá'ís do?
The Bahá'ís in the Gorge, like all Bahá'ís in the United States and around the world, work to apply the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh to the reality of our world:
We offer classes for children that build spiritual values without preaching a particular religion.
We support groups of youth that are seeking to unlock their boundless potential to transform society around them and become champions of justice.
We develop our own capacity to serve these processes through training programs designed to help ordinary people contribute meaningfully to society, one day at a time.
We pray together that God will assist and confirm all our efforts.
Bahá'ís in the Columbia River Gorge
A gathering of Baha'is in the Columbia Gorge.
Welcome to the website of the Bahá'í Faith in the Columbia River Gorge. There are several small Bahá'í communities scattered throughout the hills and valleys of this beautiful land. You probably know a few of us. We don't have any church buildings or clergy, and we usually meet in peoples' homes, but together we're working every day, alongside our neighbors, to build a future for this region that is balanced and prosperous both materially and spiritually.
Your Faith Group Name Here
Please contact G.E.M. at and put "FAITH GROUP MEMBERSHIP" in the subject line and we will happy to connect with you!