About Us.

Our Mission

Uniting diverse communities of faith through our common concerns and actions for justice, freedom, peace and environmental care.

A little bit about US

GEM is a collaboration of local faith groups with the mission of “Uniting diverse communities of faith through our common concerns and actions for justice, freedom, peace and environmental care.”  

It was formed in the 60’s with the idea that social issues in the Gorge community could be addressed more effectively by faith groups working together.  

The current board includes members of Spirit of Grace Lutheran-Methodist Church, Riverside Church of Christ, Baha’is of the Columbia Gorge, St Mark’s Episcopal Church, and the Mid-Columbia Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.  

Over the years GEM has sponsored and supported many programs to address issues of equity and inclusion, housing and homelessness, food security, criminal justice, immigration services and immigrant challenges, and issues related to the Indigenous Tribes, amongst others.  

GEM also supports various initiatives in the area, such as the annual Martin Luther King Memorial Service in January, Peace Village children’s camps, Thanksgiving Community Dinner, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon events, The Next Door, Washington Gorge Action Programs (WAGAP), Gorge Native American Council, and others.

A significant part of GEM’s work is providing fiscal sponsorship for groups who need the umbrella of its non-profit status to help them get established.  FISH Food Program and the Warming Shelter are two key programs that GEM helped start and support, until they were able to obtain their own non-profit status.

Currently under the GEM umbrella are the Immigrant Relief Fund, Emergency Voucher Program, Columbia Gorge Climate Action Network (CGCAN), Columbia River Fellowship for Peace, Somos Uno, Books for Kids, and most recently this year: Black in The Gorge (BIG), and Welcome Team Hood River (a refugee settlement support group).

On the third Thursday of every month, GEM hosts a gathering featuring speakers from affiliated groups. These gatherings are welcoming events open to the public.  GEM's monthly board meetings are open to all members of participating faith groups.

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